Sakai Family :D

Hey there.
Wanna meet my Sakai Family? :D

This is me.
Sakai PUPPY and FOX. :D
Thanks for Melanie, Tze Ning and Kristi for helping me draw. 
P/S : My hands damn cacat. So just ignore it. 
And focus on the drawings. :) 
I've learned...
That my bestfriends and I can do anything, or nothing, and have the best time. :D ♥

This is Karen.
Sakai DUCK and OCTOPUS. :D
Drawn by me. 
I know the duck look cacat. 

This is Melanie.
Sakai RAT and CAT.
You're the cat and we're the rat? ._.

This is Tze Ning a.k.a POPO. 
Sakai PIG and RABBIT.
You're the rabbit and he's the pig.
When the rabbit meets the pig. :P

This is Kristi.
Sakai POOH and LADY BUG. 
A pooh married a lady bug made a sakai family. :D (Y)

The last two family member of THE SAKAI FAMILY haven upload. :\
Fast fast upload, please? :)


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